Merchant Cash Advance

Turning Your Card Terminal Into An “ATM”

Apply For A Merchant Cash Advance

All businesses that have been taking card payments of at least £3,000 per month and for 6 months or more, from any provider, can apply for a Merchant Cash Advance
The amount you can borrow will vary by lender and your credit profile, but typically these start at around £5,000

A Merchant Cash Advance is not classed as a loan, and so doesn’t incur interest charges. Instead, a fixed fee known as a factor rate is applied to the advance, so you’ll know upfront exactly what the total repayments will be

How Long Does It Take For A Decision 

Because lenders do not classify this as a loan, they generally provide decisions the same day, and the funds can be deposited in your bank account typically within three days of your inquiry

Merchant Cash Advances are repaid as a percentage of your actual daily card takings. 

Lenders typically finance a maximum of one month’s card takings, which is repaid over 8-12 months

The easy way to access quick finance

What Happens If We Can’t Make Repayments On Time

Cash Advance repayments are automatically collected from your card takings daily and before you receive them, so there is no need to worry about making payments on time

Apply for a merchant cash advance today. Your funds will be in your bank account in a few days, once you have completed our easy application process and then we electric transfer it into your bank account as soon as your application is approved